SNUG heads to Austin next week

By Luke Collins |  No Comments  |  Posted: September 12, 2013
Topics/Categories: Conferences, Blog - EDA  |  Tags:  | Organizations:

The Synopsys Users Group conference series continues on its tour next week with SNUG Austin, to be held at the Hilton Austin Hotel on 18 September. The conference will include the usual mix of keynote speeches, user papers and tutorials, as well as a Designer Community Expo.

The Austin event carries forward some of the content from this week’s Boston event, but for specifics it is best to check the full agenda for the Austin meeting here. The  registration page is here.

* The Designer Community Expo will enable users will be able to get up close and personal with tools from a host of vendors.

Real Intent will be on hand to exhibit its two product families – Ascent products for functional verification before synthesis, and Meridian products for performing advanced sign-off verification on issues that cannot be tackled by simulation or static timing analysis.

The Ascent family includes Ascent Lint, a high-capacity linting tool that performs syntax and semantic checks on complex RTL; Ascent Implied Intent Verification, which uses automatic check formulation followed by deep-sequential formal analysis to do early functional verification; and Ascent X-Verification System, which detects and isolates X-propagation issues early in Verilog RTL.

The Meridian family includes Meridian CDC, which performs comprehensive structural and functional analysis to ensure that signals crossing between asynchronous clock domains of a design are received reliably; and Meridian Constraints, which helps manage constraints using constraint validation, template generation, coverage analysis, equivalence checking and timing exception verification.

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