DAC 2012: The Gary Smith EDA ‘What to see’ list is live

By Paul Dempsey |  1 Comment  |  Posted: May 30, 2012
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Analysts Gary Smith and Mary Olsson have compiled a list of 27 companies that have caught their attention at this year’s Design Automation Conference.

We’re going to make you go over to Gary’s site to grab the full line-up (click here and then look in the ‘Featured Research’ box at the top of the page).

However, it is interesting to note how the list matches many of the topics that have been driving recent traffic here at Tech Design Forum: particularly virtual prototyping (silicon and software), thermal analysis and emulation. We’ve also noticed that Gary and Mary have picked out a couple of companies in the cloud computing space.

And as ever, while there are quite a few of the usual suspects, there are also some surprises. In short, don’t leave home without it… though if you do, there will be hard copies available wherever Gary is presenting. But we think you know what we mean.


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