Digia puts Qt into new company

By Chris Edwards |  No Comments  |  Posted: September 16, 2014
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Digia, the company that took on the cross-platform Qt toolkit from Nokia, has formed a subsidiary to focus on the software. The Qt Company will be responsible for work with OEMs as well as app developers through a monthly subscription.

“Qt has been a driving force in Digia’s international product business and in the past few years we have seen tremendous growth in the number of new customers where industry leaders have standardized their technology vision on Qt, but most notably in the number of worldwide downloads. With The Qt Company as a separate organizational entity, we feel there is even a greater potential for great success and growth for Qt where we can focus 100% and invest on Qt product and business development as well as geographic expansion,” claimed Digia CEO Juha Varelius.

The company is aiming the new €20 Indie Mobile package at both hobby developers and small companies with revenues under $150,000 and includes a commercial license and full commercial development and deployment rights to the Apple App Store, Google Play Store and Windows Marketplace.

The next major release of Qt, version 5.4, is slated to release before the end of the year, and will be made available under the Gnu LGPLv3 open-source licence as announced in late August.

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