Tech Design Forum heads for Seoul this fall

By Paul Dempsey |  No Comments  |  Posted: June 17, 2011
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The Asia series of 2011 Tech Design Forum events has just added a September 2nd stop in Seoul, South Korea.

The day long event will focus primarily on IC design with additional sessions on functional verification.

We’ll publish full venue and registration details on our event page shortly. In the meantime, the overview abstracts for the two main focus areas are:

IC: With the prospect of 40 billion available transistors within the next eight years, the most advanced ICs continue to put undreamt-of functionality in the palms of our hands. But ICs fabricated using 32nm and smaller dimensions require a fundamentally new approach to design, verification and testing, where manufacturing issues are considered from the very beginning. This event explores the emerging requirements for integrated design, manufacturing and test from every angle, and brings together tool and foundry experts with experienced users to give you practical approaches to address real world problems.

Functional verification: The increased use of IP, embedded software and multicore technology has elevated the requirements for a robust and comprehensive functional verification methodology and tool set.  This dedicated track explores how to overcome the functional verification bottleneck to get IC products to market faster without the risk of unanticipated delays and re-spins.

Already announced dates for the Asian series this fall are:

  • Shanghai, China – August 31st.
  • Hsin-Chu, Taiwan – September 6th.
  • Beijing, China – September 8th.

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