September 6, 2013
If you're going to be working on any aspect of multicore embedded system design, a newly published book titled "Real World Multicore Embedded Systems" will be an excellent guide.
March 21, 2012
Colin Walls of Mentor Graphics on a significant surprise in UBM’s latest market survey
March 21, 2012
Open-source toolchains give companies ultimate control over their development environments, but how many can really afford the resources to debug and develop their own tools? Would they be better off with a commercially supported open-source approach?
March 21, 2012
Texas Instruments’ MSP430 microcontroller platform has been one of the industry’s leading ultra-low-power architectures for more than a decade. Each generation has been focused on setting new records. The latest, Wolverine, cuts power and energy consumption by more than half.
January 23, 2012
There’s already some love out there for ARM’s v8 64bit architecture as the processor giant builds out its ecosystem.
April 1, 2011
New open software platforms can dramatically advance the way consumers interact with the Internet via their televisions and an expanding array of TV-like mobile devices. Ultimately consumers will be able to access websites that are fully optimized for the TV platform. Today, this experience is primarily delivered via widgets—containerized web pages or information portals that [...]
April 1, 2011
The GENIVI Alliance is already accelerating cross-industry standards development only two years since its formation, says Joel Hoffmann.
April 1, 2011
There are strategies, tools and devices to get the best from these OSs without buying a higher-end MPU, says Jacko Wilbrink.
April 1, 2011
Glenn Perry, general manager of Mentor Graphics Embedded Software Division, discusses embedded development trends.
February 25, 2011
Optimism and caution characterized this year's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas