March 8, 2022
Brendan Morris is a senior technical marketing manager for the Integrated Electrical Systems group, Siemens Digital Industries Software. He spent his early career working in Automotive Tier 1 suppliers, working on a diverse range of technologies and vehicle types, including software development in powertrain electronics. He spent the next 10 years working for several vehicle OEM's at all stages of vehicle development programs. Brendan holds an M.Eng degree in Automotive Engineering from Loughborough University.

Use digitalization to mitigate the automotive MCU shortage

The Covid-driven MCU shortage for ECUs and elsewhere in vehicle design can bring entire production lines to a halt if not properly managed.
July 24, 2020
Pete Decher is the director of Sourcery Tools for the embedded division of Mentor, a Siemens Business. During his 15 years at the company, he was previously a senior product manager and business development manager. Previously, Decher was VP Engineering at Analogy, VP of Engineering at Teseda Corp. and Octavian Scientific, respectively. He holds a MSEE from Stanford University and a BSEE from Georgia Institute of Technology.

Taking your first steps in leveraging the RISC-V toolchain

Introducing some of the key links that support the open-source RISC-V ISA with a view toward their use on commercial projects.
June 4, 2012

Sleep modes

For a growing number of applications, leakage is a major component of the lifetime energy consumption of an MCU, making it essential to shut the processor core down when it is not needed. Sleep modes help control that.
March 21, 2012
Colin Walls

The return of the ‘custom’ embedded OS

Colin Walls of Mentor Graphics on a significant surprise in UBM’s latest market survey
Expert Insight  |  Topics: Embedded - Platforms  |  Tags: ,
March 21, 2012

How TI halved the power consumption of Wolverine

Texas Instruments’ MSP430 microcontroller platform has been one of the industry’s leading ultra-low-power architectures for more than a decade. Each generation has been focused on setting new records. The latest, Wolverine, cuts power and energy consumption by more than half.
Article  |  Topics: Embedded - Platforms  |  Tags: , ,   |  Organizations: