
July 25, 2014
Steven Cline is a senior design automation Manager at Altera’s Austin Technology Center, focusing on design-flow automation for traditionally placed and routed blocks and custom FPGA IP used on Altera’s advanced FPGA products.

Using standardized design flows to cut time to tape-out – and speed design-flow evolution

Altera uses standardized design flows to help integrate Intel foundry rules, cut time to tape-out - and speed the evolution of its design flows.
Expert Insight  |  Topics: IP - Design Management, EDA - IC Implementation  |  Tags: , , , ,   |  Organizations: , ,
March 21, 2012

Do you GNU? If so, some points to ponder

Open-source toolchains give companies ultimate control over their development environments, but how many can really afford the resources to debug and develop their own tools? Would they be better off with a commercially supported open-source approach?
Article  |  Topics: Embedded - Platforms  |  Tags: , ,   |  Organizations: