2011 International Test Conference
With 2011’s DAC now upon us, it’s also worth mentioning that this year’s International Test Conference is closer than you think.
ITC will this year take place in mid-September (18-23) at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California. It’s usually taken place in late fall/early winter, so this is quite a leap forward.
As a result many of the paper deadlines have also changed (indeed, most formal submissions were mailed out a while back). Indeed, the last of these—for posters presentations—passed just a few days ago.
We’re expecting to see the full program soon then, and will review it here just as soon as it is out. In the meantime, hotel reservations at the preferential rate are now open.
To find out more on the revamped Test Conference and Test week, go to the website, http://www.itctestweek.org.