March 1, 2007
How important is it that the history of electronics is passed on from generation to generation of engineers in the ‘right’ way. OK, let’s acknowledge that, as in war, history is always dominated by the victors, not the losers. Let’s also admit that anyone with a career in this business wants its image to be […]
March 1, 2007
There is a growing productivity gap in the design of embedded systems. One recent survey estimated that the number of lines of embedded code written per year is growing at a rate of 46% a year, although the number of developers available to write it is growing at only 7.5%. The problem is further compounded […]
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March 1, 2007
DATE 07 (April 16-20) marks an important milestone for the Design Automation and Test in Europe conference as it reaches its tenth edition. As we went to press, the main technical program was still being finalized, but DATE has again received record submissions, 933 against last year’s 834. The most obvious change in 2007 is […]