Freescale’s QorIQ AMP series illustrates growing demand on the control and data plane
The QorIQ AMP (Advanced Multi-Processing) family was unveiled by Freescale Semiconductor in June and is an aggressive play for the control plane market. As such it is both innovative in its own right and also shows what kind of performance communications designers must deliver to meet the overall system demands of today’s customers. At its […]
Migrating from single to multicore processing on QorIQ technology
In sync with 2011
Hypervisors and the Power Architecture
A UML design flow aimed at embedded systems
Still plenty to do
Linux Nucleus… Or both
Until recently, operating system (OS) specification for embedded systems has been seen largely as an ‘either/or’ exercise. Similarly, OSs that have their foundations in the embedded market and those that have grown out of desktop computers have been seen as competing rather than complementary technologies. Cost and performance criteria within specifications will often lead to […]
Parallel programming for realists
Sharing industry-driven best practices in parallel programming is the only way to unlock the benefits of efficient use of multicore silicon platforms and dramatically increase their rate of adoption. It is now widely agreed that the largest single brake on the adoption rate for multicore platforms is the ability of software developers to program them. […]
Now this is a tough one
For the sake of clarity and sanity, let me first point out that you are reading an article written in the fall of 2008. The importance of this will become obvious when I reveal my topic: parallel programming for the multicore age. You thought I was about to claim first-past-the-post on a new technological challenge […]
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