Hierarchy provides a smarter approach to SoC CDC verification

By Sarath Kirihennedige |  No Comments  |  Posted: April 16, 2014
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Performing clock-domain crossing (CDC) checks on a flat database is difficult on complex SoCs. Hierarchy improves speed but calls for a smarter approach.

Thanks to the widespread reuse of intellectual property (IP) blocks and the difficulty of distributing a system-wide clock across an entire device, today’s system-on-chip (SoC) designs use a large number of clock domains that run asynchronously to each other. A design involving hundreds of millions of transistors can easily incorporate 50 or more clock domains and hundreds of thousands of signals that cross between them.

Although the use of smaller individual clock domains helps improve verification of subsystems apart from the context of the full SoC, the checks required to ensure that the full SoC meets its timing constraints have become increasingly time consuming.

Signals involved in clock domain crossing (CDC), for example where a flip-flip driven by one clock signal feeds data to a flop driven by a different clock signal raise the potential issue of metastability and data loss. Tools based on static verification technology exist to perform CDC checks and recommend the inclusion of more robust synchronizers or other changes to remove the risk of metastability and data loss.

Runtime issues

Conventionally, the verification team would run CDC verification on the entire design database before tapeout as this is the point that it becomes possible to perform a holistic check of the clock-domain structure and ensure that every single domain-crossing path is verified. However, on designs that incorporate hundreds of thousands of gates, this is becoming impractical as the compute runtime alone can run into days at a point where every hour saved or spent is precious. And, if CDC verification waits for this point, the number of violations – some of which may be false positives – will potentially generate many weeks of remedial effort, after which another CDC verification cycle needs to be run. To cope with the complexity, CDC verification needs a smarter strategy.

By grouping modules into a hierarchy, the verification team can apply a divide-and-conquer strategy. Not only that, the design team can play a bigger role in ensuring that potential CDC issues are trapped early and checked automatically as the design progresses.

A hierarchical methodology makes it possible to perform CDC checks early and often to ensure design consistency such that, following SoC database assembly, the remaining checks can pass quickly and, most likely, result in a much more manageable collection of potential violations.

Hierarchical obstacles

Traditionally, teams have avoided hierarchical management of CDC issues because of the complexity of organizing the design and ensuring that paths are not missed. A potential problem is that all known CDC paths may be deemed clean within a block and that it can be considered ‘CDC clean’. But there may be paths that escape attention because they cross the hierarchy boundaries in ways that cannot be caught easily – largely because the tools do not have sufficient information about the logic on the unimplemented side of the interface and the designer has made incorrect clock-related assumptions about the incoming paths.

If those sneak paths were not present, it would be possible to present the already-verified modules as black boxes to higher levels of hierarchy such that only the outer interfaces need to be verified with the other modules at that level of hierarchy. For hierarchical CDC verification to work effectively, a white- or grey-box abstraction is required in which the verification process at higher levels of hierarchy is able to reach inside the model to ensure that all potential CDC issues are verified.

As the verification environment does not have complete information about the clocking structure before final SoC assembly, reporting will tend to err on the side of caution, flagging up potential issues that may not be true errors. Traditionally, designers would provide waivers for flops on incoming paths that they believe not to be problematic to avoid them causing repeated errors in later verification runs as the module changes. However, this is a risky strategy as it relies on assumptions about the overall SoC clocking structure that may not be born out in reality.

Refinements to the model

The waiver model needs to be refined to fit a smart hierarchical CDC verification strategy. Rather than apply waivers, designers with a clear understanding of the internal structure of their blocks can mark flops and related logic to reflect their expectations. Paths that they believe not to be an issue and therefore not require a synchronizer can be marked as such and treated as low priority, focusing attention on those paths that are more likely to reveal serious errors as the SoC design is assembled and verified.

However, unlike paths marked with waivers, these paths are still in the CDC verification environment database. Not only that, they have been categorized by the design engineer to reflect their assumptions. If the tool finds a discrepancy between that assumption and the actual signals feeding into that path, errors will be generated instead of being ignored. This database-driven approach provides a smart infrastructure for CDC verification and establishes a basis for smarter reporting as the project progresses.

Smart reporting

Reporting will be organized to meet the specification rather than a long list of uncategorized errors that may or may not be false positives. This not only accelerates the process of reviews but allows the work to be distributed among engineers. As the specification is created and paths marked and categorized, engineers establish what they expect to see in the CDC results, providing the basis for smart reporting from the verification tools.

When structural analysis finds that a problematic path that was previously thought to be unaffected by CDC issues, the engineer can zoom in on the problem and deploy formal technologies to establish the root cause and potential solutions. Once fixed, the check can be repeated to ensure that the fix has worked.

The specification-led approach also allows additional attention to be paid to blocks that are likely to lead to verification complications, such as those that employ reconvergent logic. Whereas structural analysis will identify most problems on normal logic, these areas may need closer analysis using formal technology. Because the database-driven methodology allows these sections to be marked clearly, the right verification technology can be deployed at the right time.


By moving away from waivers and black-box models, the database-driven hierarchical CDC methodology encourages design groups to take SoC-oriented clocking issues into account earlier in the design cycle and ensure that any concerns about interfaces that may involve modules designed by design groups located elsewhere or even by different companies are carried forward to the critical SoC-level analysis without incurring the overhead of having to repeatedly re-verify each port on the module. Through earlier CDC analysis and verification, the team reduces the risk of encountering a large number of schedule-killing violations immediately prior to tapeout, and be far more confident that design deadlines will be met.

About the author

Sarath Kirihennedige is director of technical marketing at Real Intent. Previously he was senior staff product engineer at Cadence Design Systems. Sarath has held product and marketing roles at Tera Systems, Mentor Graphics, and Exemplar Logic. He began his career as a hardware design engineer with YDK in Japan.


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