
April 1, 2011

In sync with 2011

Glenn Perry, general manager of Mentor Graphics Embedded Software Division, discusses embedded development trends.
Article  |  Topics: Embedded - Platforms  |  Tags: , , , ,
April 15, 2010

Android for the rest of us

The article compares Google’s Android platforms to existing Linux builds, licensing regimes and the Windows CE operating system, and also describes how potential users can start to leverage existing hardware and software development kits and tools.
Article  |  Topics: Embedded - Platforms  |  Tags: , ,   |  Organizations:
April 15, 2010

Android beyond the handset

Google’s Android platform was originally developed for the mobile communications device market, but in recent months has also generated growing interest in other sectors. The most notable of these include embedded systems and consumer electronics. The article provides an overview of what is contained in Android and how its various options as well as its [...]
Article  |  Topics: Embedded - Platforms  |  Tags: ,
April 15, 2010

Still plenty to do

Major players in embedded development tools debate some of the key issues facing themselves and their customers.
Article  |  Topics: Embedded - Integration & Debug  |  Tags: , , ,
April 15, 2010

Linux is changing the embedded landscape

Jim Zemlin charts the course taken by the open source OS to preeminence in the device market and beyond.
Article  |  Topics: Embedded Topics, Embedded - Platforms  |  Tags: , ,
September 1, 2009

Linux Nucleus… Or both

Until recently, operating system (OS) specification for embedded systems has been seen largely as an ‘either/or’ exercise. Similarly, OSs that have their foundations in the embedded market and those that have grown out of desktop computers have been seen as competing rather than complementary technologies. Cost and performance criteria within specifications will often lead to […]

Article  |  Topics: Embedded - Platforms  |  Tags: , , ,
September 1, 2008

An industry-as-laboratory approach to dependability for high-tech systems

The dependability of high-volume embedded systems, such as consumer electronics devices, is threatened by a combination of rapidly increasing complexity, decreasing time-to-market, and strong cost constraints. This environment poses challenging research questions that are being investigated in the Trader Project, following an industryas- laboratory approach. This paper describes the vision behind the project and reviews […]

Article  |  Topics: Embedded - Architecture & Design  |  Tags: ,