formal verification

July 3, 2013
Graham Bell, RealIntent

The challenge of clock domain crossings – and some solutions

Clock domain crossing bugs undermine the productivity gains of moving to block-based design, but can be tackled through hierarchical formal analysis.
May 14, 2013
Graham Bell, RealIntent

Building an RTL sign-off flow

RTL sign-off strategies ease SoC design and IP integration by enabling early analysis and optimization of CDC, power, X propagation, timing, and resetability issues.
August 23, 2012
Pranav Ashar

Verification challenges require surgical precision

The verification challenge is best addressed by a combination of highly targeted tools, according to Pranav Ashar, CTO of Real Intent.
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June 1, 2008

Accentuate the practical

When engineers discuss the status and value of the Design Automation Conference (DAC), one topic tends to recur. Fairly or unfairly, the claim is that there has long been an inherent tension between DAC the technical conference and DAC the exhibition. In short, the technical conference has been seen as biased toward tool developers; the […]

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